Association of insurance companies in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina is a non-profit institution created by voluntary association of insurance companies operating in the territory of the Federation of BiH with the aim of improving the insurance profession and achieving common interests and goals in accordance with legal regulations. It was founded on 30.11.2006. by 11 insurance companies (Bosna-Sunce, Bosna Re, Camelija, Croatia, Euroherc, Hercegovina, Lido, Sarajevo, Triglav, Uniqa, VGT and Zovko) and registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Federation of BiH under Decision No. 04-05 -2-1711 / 07 dated 12.11.2007.

Short name of Association is UDOFBIH.
Seat of the Association is in Sarajevo
Identification number:                4201279370007
Transaction account:               1020500000081187  - UNION BANKA DD  Sarajevo.

Association of insurance companies in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Kolodvorska 12/II
BIH - 71 000 Sarajevo
Phones:    +387 33 207 881
                                              +387 62 941 733
E-mail:                        udofbih@udofbih.ba

The Managing bodies of the Association of Insurance Companies in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina are: